Monday, December 12, 2011

Harry Potter Book Cover from Around the Worlds

Hello everyone (",)
Did you know that for different countries, we have different cover for the Harry Potter series. Some are interesting, some just make you wonders (in a weird way). So today I want to share with you guys, the cover from different countries that I can find on the internet (courtesy of google images search hahaha)

Bloomsbury Original Adult Edition. I personally like it because of its matureness? (I guess...hehe) Shame they only produce until the fourth one before they replace it with the one below.

 Bloomsbury Adult Edition. The one that I have for my collection. The covers did an excellent job in picturing what each book is like. I particularly like Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince design.

Bloomsbury Children Edition. The first and second one is very child-like but after that it moved towards a more adventures children-book which is better suited (just my personal opinion)

Bloomsbury Signature Edition (Bloomsbury = UK)

Original Scholastic Edition. This one marketed for America. I like the Harry Potter wordings which became like an identity to Harry Potter brand around the world.

MS Corley personal project. Not even existed but I would like the idea to own all of them, because they're just pretty. Check his website here.

Dutch Edition. Very bizarre because it is design to look like a real picture but its not. The last one is pretty cool though with the dragon. 

Dutch Pocket Edition. Very bright and colourful. I really like it. If you look closely, you'll realize the cover is reflecting the book in someway (well at least in my opinion, feel free to object) Sky = Harry's first Quidditch, Plants = Angle from the flying car, Bricks of a building = Shrieking Shack, Maze = the Final Task, Fire = Phoenix, Water = Lake inside the cave, Forbidden Forest = Battle of Hogwarts.

French Edition. Each cover has Harry wearing school robes except the Deathly Hallows (I wonder)

Italy Edition. Weird cover overall but I guest they have their reason. After all, Harry Potter is no ordinary.

Japan Edition. Very Japan culture-like (although I don't really know Japan's culture much) It suit perfectly. This is why I like to see different book cover from different countries.

Latin / Spanish Edition. The cartoon is soft and its okay.

Sweeden Edition. I like the Deathly Hallows one, its very anime-like and portrayed Harry in a cool way.

Ukraine Edition. Nice illustration for each cover. Its a job well done picturing each book.

German Adult Edition. The cover design uses two picture for each cover (look like real picture to me). It would be nice to have these in my collection.

German Children Edition. Its funny how Harry is positioned to look at us looking at him (???) while the background is telling a different story.

I don't think that these are the complete set of everything. Do let me know if I miss anything and I will add along the way. If you want the pictures, take it, but please mention my blog. Thank you.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Harry Potter

Kalau nak tahu saya memang la minat sangat-sangat dengan buku siri fantasy Harry Potter. Siap ade collection semue tujuh buku die. Cerite die kreatif dan tak penah org terpikir pun nak dijadikan cerite Hehe...

Jadi, sebagai salah seorang die hard fan, saya nak publish satu entri khas untuk gambar-gambar collection Harry Potter the movie.....kat sini kite semue boleh tengok transformasi Danial Radcliffe aka Harry Potter (dari kiut ke matang tapi serabut sikit), Emma Watson aka Hermione Granger (dari serabai ke gorgeous) and Rupert Grint aka Ron Weasley (dari blur ke ?) hehe

Okay, just for a bonus, ni ada movie poster untuk every film yang diorang hasilkan. (I particularly like Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix). Setiap movie die ade theme yang tersendiri and ceq suka The Magic Begin from the first movie. of the reason I read Harry Potter was to improve my english and you know what, it did exactly that (",)

P/S : sorry gambar kecik sebab kalau upload yang besar tak nampak pulak.