Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Journey to find yourself - Personality Test

Human is complex, thus understanding humans is by right also a complex process. In some other times, it is difficult to even comprehend your own action, why others will act differently – your inner-self. I feel the need to acknowledge and find the right path for myself – one that I enjoy while at the same time approved by my family and close friends (because they mean the world to me).

Therefore, I have been searching online for personality test that can help me with myself (if that makes sense) and I found out about The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, Carl Jung theories, Big five personality and other psychological ‘thing’.

Basically, The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) assessment is a psychometric questionnaire designed to measure psychological preferences in how people perceive the world and make decisions. The original developers of the personality inventory were Katharine Cook Briggs and her daughter, Isabel Briggs Myers. Click here if you want to read the Wikipedia version.

To cut the thing short, Myers-Briggs suggest there are 16 type of personality in this world, each and every one of us belongs to one of these personality. These 16 types of personality are built up from four pairs of preferences which are;

Extraversion – Introversion ( E / I )
Sensing – Intuition ( S / N )
Thinking – Feeling ( T / F )
Judging – Perceiving ( J / P )

Myers-Briggs also explained that their type indicator only reveal preferences and that it may change from time to time. You can only prefer one of the four pair. Therefore, if we calculate it mathematically it will give (2 x 2 x 2 x 2 = 16) 16 possible combination of personality.

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These test, in my opinion, are essential in knowing your inner-self, not that I suggest that I don’t know myself but sometimes I found it hard to choose between two things and the description in the test do help in my life-decision, especially in career development.

So, there are lots of test on the internet but one that I found very helpful and accurate is The Myers-Briggs Test Indicator (which is available here)

The explanation of each personality type can be found at this amazing website here.

I post this entry in the hope that everyone can benefit from these test, either understanding yourself, your friends, family or whoever.
Enjoy and have a nice day (“,) 

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Izinkan Ku Pergi - Kaer Azami

Sinaran mata, Cerita segalanya,
Duka lara terpendam, Memori semalam,
Tinggal segala cinta, Tiada kembalinya,
Abadi kasih kita, Kau bawa bersama,
Mimpi indah mekar, Saat cinta bersemi,
Sedetik asmara syurga, Selamanya

Pergilah rinduku, Hilangkan dirimu,
Tak sanggup menanggung derita di kalbuku,
Pergilah sayangku, Bermula semula,
Semangat cintaku membara, Kerana dia,
Tiada niatku

Tersemat jiwa setia bersamanya,
Cinta murni berdua, Beribu tahunnya,
Mimpi indah mekar, Saat cinta bersemi,
Sedetik asmara syurga, Selamanya

Pergilah rinduku, Hilangkan dirimu,
Tak sanggup menanggung derita di kalbuku,
Pergilah sayangku, Bermula semula,
Semangat cintaku membara, Kerana dia,
Tiada niatku
Pergilah sayangku, Bermula semula,
Semangat cintaku membara, Kerana dia,
Tiada niatku

Maafkan daku, Duhai kasih,
Izinkan ku pergi.

>>> Memang indah lagu ni, dengan video klip yang best, apa yang pencipta lirik tu nak cerita sampai dalam jantung ni. Rasa sedih pulak, bukan sebab aku pernah kehilangan seseorang, tapi pernah hilang 'sesuatu' yang aku terpaksa lepaskan pergi...So, cakap banyak tak guna, enjoy (",) <<<