Saturday, October 22, 2011

Genius versi USA & Malaysia

Kontroversi tak title tu? Hehehe....memang saje je nak bagi kontroversi. So, kali ni nak cerita pasal Child Prodigy atau dalam bahasa melayunye, kanak-kanak yang mempunyai potensi dalam satu-satu bidang melebihkan kepakaran orang yang jauh lebih dewasa darinye (terjemahan diambil dari diri sendiri huhuhu....paham tak?)

Child prodigy ni bukan cerita baru, dah lame dah sejak zaman dulu-dulu kala. Antara child prodigy yang feymes adalah Elbert Einstein (jangan cakap tak kenal pulak, saintis paling mashur tu), Ibnu Sina aka Avicenna (ilmuwan Islam dalam bidang perubatan)

Alright, while i was on the internet yesterday, terjumpa satu artikel cerita pasal seorang budak genius 12 tahun dari Amerika. Apa yang menariknya, budak yang nama Jacob Barnett ni nak buktikan kat semua orang yang teori big bang adalah salah. Kid genius ni sekarang tengah study pasal electromagnetic physics kat kolej Indiana Universiti-Purdue University Indianapolis (memang name die pelik macam tu, bukan ceq saje-saje bubuh) di Amerika la off course and profesor kat situ pun tabik spring kat die dan tak sabar-sabar nak tengok camane budak 12 tahun ni (rasenye sekarang die 13 tahun dah kot) nak buktikan Big Bang Theory tu salah.

Sebabnye, die explain kat sini (ceq tak berape nak paham...)
"There are two different types of when stars end. When the little stars die, it's just like a small poof. They just turn into a planetary nebula. But the big ones, above 1.4 solar masses, blow up in one giant explosion, a supernova. What it does, is, in larger stars there is a larger mass, and it can fuse higher elements because it's more dense. So you get all the elements, all the different materials, from those bigger stars. The little stars, they just make hydrogen and helium, and when they blow up, all the carbon that remains in them is just in the white dwarf; it never really comes off. So, um, in the big-bang theory, what they do is, there is this big explosion and there is all this temperature going off and the temperature decreases really rapidly because it's really big. The other day I calculated, they have this period where they suppose the hydrogen and helium were created, and, um, I don't care about the hydrogen and helium, but I thought, wouldn't there have to be some sort of carbon? Otherwise, the carbon would have to be coming out of the stars and hence the Earth, made mostly of carbon, we wouldn't be here. So I calculated, the time it would take to create 2 percent of the carbon in the universe, it would actually have to be several micro-seconds. Or a couple of nano-seconds, or something like that. An extremely small period of time. Like faster than a snap. That isn't gonna happen. Because of that, that means that the world would have never been created because none of the carbon would have been given 7 billion years to fuse together. We'd have to be 21 billion years old . . . and that would just screw everything up."
 Amazingly, mak die Kristine Barnett cerita masa Jake umur 3 tahun, diorang melawat Holcomb Observatory and Planetarium, Butler University ;
"We were in the crowd, just sitting, listening to this guy ask the crowd if anyone knew why the moons going around Mars were potato-shaped and not round, Jacob raised his hand and said, 'Excuse me, but what are the sizes of the moons around Mars? Then there's silence and the lecturer answered, and Jacob looked at him and said the gravity of the planet is so large that gravity (of the moon) would not be able to pull it into a round shape."
Memang amazing Jake ni. Masa umur 18 bulan, die dah boleh baca ABC forward and backward and calculate the volume of his cereal box. Tapi bile umur 2 tahun, he was diagnosed with Mildly Autistic and later was diagnosed as Asperger's Syndrome mase umur 3 tahun. (selalunye mereka yang ade penyakit autism ni adalah genius, contohnye Shah Rukh Khan dalam cerite My name is Khan, walaupun tak berape nak sempurna tapi autistic person ade ability lain yang special. Nak tau lebih lanjut mengenai Autism klik sini)

Then, umur 8 tahun die dapat masuk audit class of advanced astronomy at IUPUI (kelas audit je, mase tu die belajar kat high school) Nak dijadikan cerite die bosan duduk belajar kat high school, jadi die belajar sendiri subjek algebra, trigonometry, geometry dengan calculus high school level dalam masa 2 minggu je. Akhirnya, Jake yang IQ 170 ni dapat early college entry exam yang mana die lulus dengan cemerlang.

Jadi sekarang die study kat IUPUI, ade beberape kelas je dalam seminggu, dan mak die yang akan hantar dan jemput die gi University.
Inilah die Jacob Barnett the genius (sampai tulis kat tingkap....)
Okay, itu child prodigy dari USA. Malaysia pun ade ramai child prodigy jugak, yang paling baru agaknye Adi Putra Abd Ghani. Lahir 27 Januari 1999 (sekarang umur 12 tahun = lebih kurang sama dengan Jake). Adi Putra ni asal dari Bagan Serai, Perak. Awal-awal dulu (masa tahun 2006 kot), die selalu cakap die nak cipta satelit bumi dan angkasa untuk negara-negara Islam only dengan menggunakan password Al-Quran (nice one right)

Budak genius Malaysia ni mampu menyelesaikan soalan seperti 30.80 – 2 7/10-3 2/100 = 25.08 atau 1/16 = 0.0625 atau (3/4) kuasa dua – punca kuasa tiga 125 = -4 7/16 secara congak dalam masa hanya beberapa saat. Kalau soalan yang susah sikit (tak boleh nak congak) Adi perlu dalam masa seminit, yang lagi susah (soalan tahap universiti) Adi dengan selambe jawab dalam masa kurang 5 minit. Tapi biase la, tak semestinye yang die jawab tu betul sebab tak semua orang sempurna kan (kes biase la ni)

Ayah Adi cerita, die start tahu yang Adi ni genius mase anak bongsu die umur 4 tahun bile Adi dapat selesaikan soalan Matematik abang die yang darjah 2 padahal ayah die tak pernah ajar pun (amazing kan?). Mak Adi pulak cerita, mase die mengandung dulu die teringin sangat nak namakan anak die Adi Putra. Check punya check, Adi Putra ni sebenarnye nama Tok Guru Silat Hang Tuah (Hmm...ade darah pahlawan hehehe)

Adi Putra ni ade jugak perangani pelik die (bukan pelik sangat pun) yang hanya akan tidur lepas pukul 4 pagi. So antara pukul 12 sampai 4 pagi tu, Adi akan cuba selesaikan masalah matematik yang ayah dia bagi.
Masa Adi Putra umur 6 tahun, die ada karang satu sajak - Akulah Adi Putra. Nak baca, dengar dan lihat sajak tu boleh klik di sini.
Adi Putra sekarang ni tengah belajar A-Level (rasenye kat UniSel), ade syarikat sendiri yang jual pelbagai jenis ubat dan kadang-kadang jadi lecturer jemputan (motivasi la selalunye). Die pun dah ade website rasmi iaitu

 Adi Putra - Genius Malaysia

Last but not least, thanks to this website di bawah
Sekian, terima kasih (",)
Selamat berhari minggu.

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