Thursday, June 14, 2012


Lately, I’ve been indulged in the body language reading in Lie to Me (click here if you don’t know about it). Is it for real or is it a hoax? I don’t know for sure but it’s a shame the show didn’t get renewal for a new season.

One of the focus of the show is Micro-expression (click here for the Wikipedia explanation). So, basically micro-expressions are involuntary emotion express by someone in a matter of less than a second. We cannot control it because we didn’t realize we are expressing the emotion at the time it happened, and by the time we realize it (if we ever) the emotion is already gone.

Now, in my understanding, no matter where or who we are in the world, we tend to express emotions in the same way. If we’re happy = we smile, if we’re sad = we cry or at least the eyes will show you are sad. So the micro-expression is true for everyone regardless of age, race, religion or sex because we are from the same species =homo sapiens aka human.

There are a lot of emotions to cover, but these are the one that I found on the internet (credit to google images). Also, there are seven universal emotion; anger, disgust, fear, sad, happy, surprise and contempt.


Something extra;
1.   Apparently there are extensive studies regarding Micro-expression. (click here for the brief history)
2.  Want to know if you have the ability to detect these micro-expressions? Take these test = Facial expression test

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